The Six Sigma Leader: Putting the Power of Business Excellence Into Everything You Do
Peter S. Pande
Format: Hardcover, 224pp.
ISBN: 9780071454087
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pub. Date: December 28, 2006
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From The Publisher:
The same principles that create process excellence now applied to management success
World-renowned Six Sigma authority and bestselling author Peter Pande explains how you can apply the principles of Six Sigma to raise the quality of your leadership abilities. Pande reveals the critical skills you can easily adopt to improve how you execute everyday responsibilities and follow in the footsteps of business greats like Jim McNerny, Larry Bossidy, and Jack Welch.
- Pande details 20 things readers can do to perfect the skills and habits of a successful 21st century business leader including how to communicate, plan, manage risk, execute, and foster change
- The book explains how to apply Six Sigma philosophy to organizational goals, such as delivering shareholder value and ROI, driving customer service excellence, improving company culture, and executing strategies effectively
- Draws on the experience and advice of top executives from corporations around the world, including 3M's Jim McNerny

About the Author
Peter Pande is the president of Pivotal Resources, a Six Sigma consulting and training firm, and the coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way.

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