Leadership Divided : What Emerging Leaders Need and What You Might Be Missing
Ron A. Carucci
Format: Hardcover, 224pp.
ISBN: 9780787985899
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Pub. Date: September 15, 2006
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From The Publisher:
How senior leaders can connect to the emerging leaders hidden in their organizations
A sea change has taken place throughout the culture of leadership; today’s emerging leaders are "opting out" of the same positions their predecessors coveted in years past. But many senior managers from the old school still hang onto positions and outdated styles of command. At the core of this book is the fictional tale of Brookreme Corporation, whose leaders struggle to chart a course to the future. With both story telling and hard research, Leadership Divided reconnects generations and instructs both senior leaders and junior leaders on how the relationships of the future will overcome the behaviors of the past.

About the Author
Ron A. Carucci (Woodinville, WA) is a faculty member at Fordham University, serving as Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, and is Graduate Professor of Leadership at Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle. He has also served as an adjunct at the Center for Creative Leadership. His clients have included Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Amgen, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, and many more. He is a frequent conference and keynote speaker, addressing a wide variety of audiences.

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