Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Format: Hardcover, 320pp.
ISBN: 9780307956392
Publisher: Crown Business
Pub. Date: March 26, 2013
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The four principles that can help us to overcome our brains' natural biases to make better, more informed decisions — in our lives, careers, families and organizations.
In Decisive, Chip Heath and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Made to Stick and Switch, tackle the thorny problem of how to overcome our natural biases and irrational thinking to make better decisions, about our work, lives, companies and careers.
When it comes to decision making, our brains are flawed instruments. But given that we are biologically hard-wired to act foolishly and behave irrationally at times, how can we do better? A number of recent bestsellers have identified how irrational our decision making can be. But being aware of a bias doesn't correct it, just as knowing that you are nearsighted doesn't help you to see better. In Decisive, the Heath brothers, drawing on extensive studies, stories and research, offer specific, practical tools that can help us to think more clearly about our options, and get out of our heads, to improve our decision making, at work and at home.

About the Authors
Chip Heath is a professor at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He lives in Los Gatos, California. Dan Heath is a senior fellow at Duke University's Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE). He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Heath brothers are the bestselling authors of Made to Stick and Switch. For years they have written a monthly column for Fast Company magazine.