Relevance: Hitting Your Goals by Knowing What Matters
David Apgar
Format: Hardcover, 224pp.
ISBN: 9780787997595
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Pub. Date: April 4, 2008
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
Helps leaders pinpoint which information matters most to goal setting, strategy, and performance
Anyone in business who has ever felt overwhelmed by data and measurements will appreciate the cocktail-napkin simplicity of the practices that Relevance outlines. David Apgar offers solid academic grounding coupled with case examples of real companies--including American Express, Southwest, Federal Express, Alcoa, Toyota, Cisco, and Nestlé--to show how a new discipline focused on the relevance of performance measures for assessing key strategy issues can best accelerate the fast-paced learning that companies need in increasingly uncertain business environments. Extremely timely for the global workforce, the book will help readers come up with a quick and easy way to get the right measures for their strategic assumptions, then use these measures to devise better strategies to achieve the larger goals of their organizations.

About the Author
David Apgar (Washington, DC) serves as Managing Director of the Corporate Executive Board's ( finance practices. CEB's research and training programs provide decision support tools and executive education addressing issues related to corporate strategy, operations, and general management.

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