Lead with Purpose: Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself
John Baldoni
Format: Paperback, 224pp.
ISBN: 9780814436608
Pub. Date: November 30, 2011
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From The Publisher:
Ask any leader: What would you give to have an entire company full of committed employees willing to go the extra mile? For all your people to work together as a unified force, knowing exactly what they do, and why they do it?
Featuring illuminating stories, interviews, and profiles of leaders from a variety of fields, Lead with Purpose shows readers how to take their organizations to the next level with renewed focus and improved direction. The book gives readers practical tips and techniques to:
- Instill a sense of ownership
- Ensure that organizational purpose is understood and acted upon
- Encourage resourcefulness and flexibility
- Communicate a narrative that will drive the organization
- Harness creativity and the desire to succeed
- Transform a shared vision into real results
- Develop the next generation of leaders
It’s a leader’s job to provide his people’s work with meaning. Lead with Purpose shows you how it’s done.

About the Author
John Baldoni is an internationally recognized leadership educator, coach, speaker and author whose many books include Lead by Example, Lead Your Boss, and 12 Steps to Power Presence.

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