The Little Book of Leadership Development: 50 Ways to Bring Out the Leader in Every Employee
Scott J. Allen and Mitchell Kusy
Format: Paperback, 144pp.
ISBN: 9780814437834
Publisher: AMACOM
Pub. Date: May 30, 2011
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
Great things come in little packages: 50 commonsense (but rarely common) ideas for building the leadership potential of others.
How many managers have time to plow through big books of leadership development? None! And they’ll never need to with this slender book of 50 simple yet powerful ideas.
The Little Book of Leadership Development goes straight to the heart of great leadership.
Free of complicated theories, it focuses on what really works to get people motivated, working effectively, and acting as leaders themselves. The book delivers streamlined instructions on modeling behaviors, sharing information, building accountability, stretching teams, providing feedback, and 45 other practical strategies. Readers will be able to design a system of development tailored to their team and organization.
Managers with the ability to self-reflect and a willingness to implement these positive, powerful ideas will see quick improvements—in communication, efficiency, morale, and every other measure that points to a committed team of emerging leaders.

About the Authors
Scott J. Allen is assistant professor of management at John Carroll University and author of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. He blogs, consults, and facilitates workshops on leadership. Mitchell Kusy is an international organization development consultant and full professor in the Ph.D. Program in Leadership & Change at Antioch University. He is the coauthor of Toxic Workplace!