The Power to Lead: Lessons in Creating Your Unique Masterpiece
Gregg Thompson and Bruna Martinuzzi
Format: Hardcover, 176pp.
ISBN: 9781590791912
Publisher: Select Books
Pub. Date: June 15, 2009
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
Do you have the power to lead? The Power to Lead: Lessons in Creating Your Unique Masterpiece will provide you with many helpful ideas for unlocking the leadership potential that resides within each of us. This is an incredibly practical, yet also inspiring book which uses the metaphor of painting to guide you through a powerful journey to become the best leader that you can be, by painting your own unique, personal masterpiece.
The Power to Lead is the work of Gregg Thompson, author, coach, leadership expert and CEO of Bluepoint Leadership and Bruna Martinuzzi, Founder and President of Clarion Enterprises, an organization specializing in leadership.
Gregg and Bruna are two of the pioneering minds in the modern art and science of leadership development and this book draws upon the best body of research on motivation, personality theory, psychology and emotional intelligence.

About the Authors
Gregg Thompson is a coach, author and speaker with a passion for developing the greatness in individuals and organizations. As president of Bluepoint Leadership, he leads a talented group of professionals who design and deliver challenging educational experiences that accelerate the natural development of leaders. Bruna Martinuzzi is the Founder and President of Clarion Enterprises, an organization specializing in leadership development.

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