Inside Rupert's Brain
Paul La Monica
Format: Hardcover, 272pp.
ISBN: 9781591842439
Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover
Pub. Date: March 19, 2009
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From The Publisher:
How the world’s most powerful media mogul really thinks
The third book in Portfolio’s new series looks at Rupert Murdoch, the controversial chairman and CEO of News Corp. He is the subject of endless gossip, speculation, and criticism, but what really drives his bold (and usually successful) gambles?
Based on comments from News Corp. executives and competitors, and interviews with Wall Street analysts, investors, and other media experts, Paul La Monica’s book explores some of the most fascinating questions about Murdoch. For instance:
- How did he grow a small Australian newspaper company into a global media empire?
- Why did he challenge the TV establishment with the Fox Network and Fox News Channel—for profits or for deeper reasons?
- Did his obsession with The Wall Street Journal lead him to overpay for Dow Jones?
- How has he dealt with detractors and enemies, including Ted Turner and John Malone?
- Was he smart to acquire MySpace to launch his Internet strategy?
- Why does he still work so hard at age 77 with a net worth of $8.8 billion and nothing to prove?

About the Author
Paul R. La Monica is editor-at-large at one of the most popular business news Web sites. He writes a daily column for the site and is a regular contributor to its video reports. He was previously an editor at Red Herring magazine and a writer. City.

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