How Did That Happen? Holding People Accountable for Results the Positive, Principled Way
Roger Connors and Tom Smith
Format: Paperback, 272pp.
ISBN: 9781591844143
Publisher: Portfolio Trade
Pub. Date: JUly 26, 2011
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
From the bestselling authors of The Oz Principle
Roger Connors and Tom Smith literally wrote the book on accountability. Their bestseller The Oz Principle has sold more than 500,000 copies in several editions since 1994.
As they've worked with thousands of clients over two decades through their firm, Partners in Leadership, the authors have developed new strategies for holding people accountable while building morale. They offer powerful steps to establish a positive "Accountability Connection," rather than waiting to place blame after problems arise and people fail to deliver.
Drawing on case studies, many from client companies, the authors show how to establish clear expectations and manage the unmet expectations that inevitably occur. And they offer a positive, principled way that engages hearts and minds.
This book can help people at every level, from senior executives to front-line workers, enjoy greater productivity, profitability, and job satisfaction.

About the Authors
Roger Connors and Tom Smith are the principals and founders of Partners in Leadership, Inc., the worldwide leader in accountability training. Their clients include more than 700 companies in almost every major industry around the world. In addition to their two books, The Oz Principle and Journey to the Emerald City, they have coauthored many articles for business publications.

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