The Leader Within: Learning Enough About Yourself to Lead Others
Drea Zigarmi, Ken Blanchard, Michael O'Connor and Carl Edeburn
Format: Hardcover, 288pp.
ISBN: 9780131470255
Publisher: Financial Times Prentice Hall
Pub. Date: August 2004
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From The Publisher:
Discover the leader inside you!- Become the leader you've always wanted to be
- Understand how you behave at your key 'moments of influence'
- Reinvent your approach for better results -- and happier people
- Build more effective teams and organizations, without compromising your values
- Co-authored by Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager
If you lead... if you intend to lead... if you work with leaders... you need this book.
You need it to discover why...
...self-change is your most urgent leadership challenge
...your values, beliefs, and personality are driving your success -- or your failure -- even when you don't realize it
You need it to discover how to...
... lead brilliantly, in ways that reflect your own values and personality
... connect in both group settings and one-to-one contexts
... liberate personal traits and energies you never knew you had
... rekindle your team's spirit -- and build stronger, more effective, more joyful organizations.
Liberate the outstanding leader inside you -- with The Leader Within.

About the Authors
DR. DREA ZIGARMI is a respected management consultant, bestselling author, and powerful trainer and motivational speaker. He co-authored Leadership and The One Minute Manager, and has co-developed several Blanchard Training and Development products, including its Leader Behavior Analysis instruments.
Few people have impacted the day-to-day management of people and companies more than KEN BLANCHARD. His phenomenal best-seller, The One Minute Manager (co-authored with Spencer Johnson), has sold 9,000,000+ copies and been translated into 25 languages. He leads the Ken Blanchard Companies®, a global leader in workplace learning, productivity, leadership, and team effectiveness.
MICHAEL O'CONNOR co-founded and directs the Center for Managing by Values. He specializes in strategy, behavior, and process-driven performance. With Ken Blanchard, he co-authored Managing by Values.
DR. CARL EDEBURN has spent 25 years consulting on key management and leadership issues. A certified trainer for the Ken Blanchard Companies, he has co-developed several Blanchard instruments.

Table of Contents
| Preface | xvii |
| Acknowledgments | xxi |
1 | Leaders and Change | 1 |
2 | Personality and Context | 37 |
3 | Preference and Disposition | 65 |
4 | Beliefs and Points of View | 113 |
5 | Perceptions and Persona | 151 |
6 | Behaviors and Situations | 171 |
7 | Vision and Learning | 211 |
| Bibliography | 245 |
| Index | 257 |

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