The 20 Percent Spike Questionnaire
Your Answer
What sort of thing really excites [name]? What have you heard [him/her] be most passionate about? [Do not confine this to work-related matters.]
Imagine that [name] becomes famous in [his/her] lifetime. What possible things might [he/she] become celebrated for?
What is the single most distinctive thing about [name], that defines [his/her] individuality? What is most difficult and idiosyncratic about [him/her]?
What do you think [name] would be happiest and most fulfilled doing?
What one thing is [name] best at, and better at than anyone else you know?
What occupation or role do you think [name] is best suited to?
Think imaginatively about a different arena or activity that [name] might be excellent at, preferably far removed from [his/her] current job. Be creative and surprising, perhaps not entirely serious.
If [name] were to start a new venture that becomes extraordinarily successful, what might that new enterprise be? Use you imagination.