Carry a Big Stick : The Uncommon Heroism of Theodore Roosevelt
George Grant
Thsi title is out-of-print. Used copies are available.
Format: Hardcover, 221pp.
ISBN: 9781888952209
Publisher: Cumberland House Publishing
Pub. Date: 1996
Leaders In Action Series
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
Before his fiftieth birthday, Teddy Roosevelt had served as a state legislator, Under-Secretary of the Navy, Police Commissioner of New York City, governor of New York, and two terms as Vice President and the President of the United States. In addition, he was a war hero. He also had run a cattle ranch out west, had worked as journalist and editor, conducted scientific expeditions on four continents, raised five children, and enjoyed a life-long romance with his wife. No wonder he continues to capture our imaginations as he did the loyalty and respect of his own time. In this thought-provoking book, George Grant explores the life and character of one of the most remarkable men of the twentieth century. The qualities that made him such an extraordinary leader are examined, as are the exploits that made him so famous. Also highlighted are the spiritual values and faith that he affirmed with such vigor as he walked the world stage with an impact generated by few men in his time.

About the Author George Grant is the director of King's Meadow Study Center, editor of Arx Axiom newsletter, editorial director for Highland Books, a teaching fellow at
the Franklin Classical School, and General Editor of the Leaders In Action Series. The author of more than four dozen books in history, biography, politics, literature, and social criticism, he lives on a small farm in Middle Tennessee.

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