A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline: Extraordinary Wisdom for Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Other Smart People
Leo B. Helzel and Friends
Format: Hardcover, 224pp.
ISBN: 9780070282629
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Trade
Pub. Date: September 1995
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
Business reader's who appreciated Life's Little Instruction Book will welcome this personal guide to getting more out of business and life. Designed to be read quickly and savored long after, this entertaining, wonderfully written book parallels the actual process of starting and running a business, from the first burst of inspiration through going public and beyond. Proven in the marketplace as well as the classroom, each one of its 400 clever, pragmatic observations offers insights into meeting the inevitable challenges entrepreneurs face. Each one, too, reflects Leo Helzel's practical wisdom, business experience, and easy command of language. Enlivened throughout with delightful cartoons, this treasury of "can-do'' commentaries is sure to find an appreciative audience among owners of fledging ventures, leaders of organizations, and anyone who dreams of leading a more fulfilling life.

About the Author
Leo B. Helzel, entrepreneur, financier, attorney, and teacher, has successfully launched over 100 business ventures. For the past 27 years, he has taught at University of Californis, Berkeley, Haas School of Business, where he founded the program in entrepreneurship. Among his Friends who contributed to this book are 50 leading business figures, including founders and CEO's of many well-known companies.

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