The Innovative Leader: How to Inspire Your Team and Drive Creativity
Paul Sloane
Format: Paperback, 192pp.
ISBN: 9780749450014
Publisher: Kogan Page
Pub. Date: July 1, 2007
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From The Publisher:
The Innovative Leader stresses the importance of innovation and creativity in modern business to help organizations secure competitive advantage over rivals. It shows how to apply methods of innovation and creativity to the individual, to business peers, and to the organization. Author Pual Sloane demonstrates the importance of setting out your vision clearly and emphasizes the need for continual evaluation of the process. Numerous international examples illustrate how organizations such as Virgin, Body Shop, Disney, and 3M have benefited from this approach, encouraging excellence and entrepreneurship through challenging goals that keep employees motivated and engaged.

About the Author
Paul Sloane is the founder of Destination Innovation ( Clients for his presentations and workshops include Vodafone, GlaxoSmithKline, Phillip Morris, IBM, Prudential and L’Oreal. He is the author of The Leader's Guide to Lateral Thinking Skills, now in its second edition from Kogan Page.

Table of Contents
About the author x Introduction 1 Leading innovation 3 Have a vision for change 5 Issue a declaration of innovation 7 Set drastic expectations 8 Fight the fear of change 9 Tell stories 11 Set goals for innovation 13 Get rid of the cynics 15 Throw down a challenge 16 Encourage dissent 17 Be an arsonist and a fire fighter 19 Think like a venture capitalist 20 Break down internal barriers 22 Destroy the hierarchy 24 Have your best people working on innovation 26 Be passionate 28 Problem analysis 31 Diagnose the current situation 33 Analyse problems 35 Ask 'Why, Why?' 36 Use Six Serving Men 38 Redefine the problem 40 Ask 'What business are we in?' 42 Generating ideas 45 Have a suggestions scheme 47 Run ideas events 49 Allow line manager bypass 50 Plan your brainstorm meetings 51 Brainstorm meetings - generate great ideas 55 Brainstorm meetings - evaluate the ideas 57 Juice up your brainstorm meetings 59 Bring in unrelated experts 61 Use a facilitator 63 Break the rules 64 Define your ideal competitor 66 Try weird combinations 67 Go for quantity 70 Try a different environment 72 Conceive a different business model 74 Ask 'Who killed our business?' 76 Look for new ways to reach the customer 78 Anticipate the wave 80 Innovate by subtraction 81 Look for the solution within the problem 83 Ask 'What if...?' 86 Pass the parcel 87 Look for a distant relation 89 Idealize the answer 91 Be careful what and how you reject 93 Wear Six Thinking Hats 94 Implementing innovation processes 97 Allocate time and resources for innovation 99 Give everyone two jobs 100 Identify the need for replacement 101 Borrow with pride 102 Train for innovation 105 Measure progress 106 Broadcast success 107 Reward success 108 Track the astonishing 110 Be cool or outsource cool 111 Collaborate 113 Observe customers 115 Co-create 117 Create a community 119 Crowdsource 121 Gate the process 122 Appoint innovation champions 124 Run an innovation incubator 125 Employ an ideas searcher 127 Streamline your approval process 128 Kill the losers 129 Build prototypes 130 Implement 132 Overcome customer resistance 134 Building a creative culture 137 Don't tell, ask 139 Praise the innovators 141 Focus on what went right 142 Make it fun 144 Welcome failure 146 Fear success 149 Set puzzles 150 Use the right language 152 Make your own products obsolete 154 Trust 155 Empower employees 156 Personal creativity 159 Check assumptions 161 Ask questions 163 Move out of your comfort zone 165 Simplify things 167 Look at things from a different angle 169 Trust your intuition 171 Incubate 173 Don't take the first answer 174 Develop your personal creativity 175 Become an evangelist 177 Simplify your life 179 Be disconnected 180 Visualize with mind maps 181 Keep fit 182 Be lucky 183 Conclusion 185 References and further reading 187 Puzzle answers 189 Index 191 |

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