Mindfulness: Be mindful. Live in the moment
Gill Hasson
Format: Paperback, 214pp.
ISBN: 9780857084446
Publisher: Capstone
Pub. Date: August 5, 2013
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From The Publisher:
Be calm, collected and in the moment
Too often, life just races by. You don’t fully experience what’s happening now, because you’re too busy thinking about what needs doing tomorrow, or distracted by what happened yesterday. And all the time your mind is chattering with commentary or judgement.
Mindfulness allows you to experience the moment instead of just rushing through it. Being mindful opens you up to new ideas and new ways of doing things, reducing stress and increasing your enjoyment of life.
With ideas, tips and techniques to help you enjoy a more mindful approach to life, you’ll learn how to:
• Adopt more positive ways of thinking and behaving
• Become calmer and more confident
• Break free from unhelpful thoughts and thinking patterns
• Bring about positive changes in your relationships
• Achieve a new level of self-awareness and understanding
Life is happening right now; mindfulness will help you live in the moment, so it doesn’t pass you by!
About the Author
Gill Hasson is an associate tutor at the University of Sussex. She is also a freelance trainer and delivers courses for voluntary organisations, schools, parents and social workers, covering topics including assertiveness, confidence building and communication skills at work. Gill is a co-author of Bounce - use the power of resilience to live the life you want, (Pearson 2009) and How to be Assertive (Pearson 2010) and also writes for magazines such as Psychologies and Natural Health.
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