The Age of Unreason
Charles Handy
Format: Paperback, 288pp.
ISBN: 9780875843018
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press
Pub. Date: February 1998
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From The Publisher:
In an era when change is constant, random, and, as Handy calls it, discontinuous, it is necessary to break out of old ways of thinking in order to use change to our advantage. Handy examines how dramatic changes are transforming business, education, and the nature of work. We can see it in astounding new developments in technology, in the shift in demand from manual to cerebral skills, and in the virtual disappearance of lifelong, full-time jobs. Handy maintains that discontinuous change requires discontinuous, upside-down thinking, and discusses the need for new kinds of organizations, new approaches to work, new types of schools, and new ideas about the nature of our society.
Named one of the ten best business books of 1990 by Business Week.

About the Author
Charles Handy has been an oil executive, an economist, and a professor at the London Business School. His books on organizations and the future, including The Age of Unreason and The Age of Paradox from HBS Press, have now sold over one million copies worldwide.

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