In Search of Quality: 4 Unique Perspectives, 43 Different Voices
Edited Ken Shelton Foreword by Stephen R. Covey
Format: Hardcover, 330pp.
ISBN: 9780963491749
Publisher: Executive Excellence Publishing
Pub. Date: June 1995
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Description and Reviews
From The Publisher:
In the 45 years since Deming raised the bar of quality in Japan, the search for quality has dramatically transformed global competition. World-class quality, service, and management have become the price that must be paid for entry into today's global marketplace—and the only way to stay alive once you're in it. In Search of Quality gives you access in one concise volume to the best practical advice and perspectives for optimizing your performance. This compilation includes articles from the perspective of CEOs, senior and middle managers, quality consultants, and general business advisers.
About the Editor
Ken Shelton is chairman and editor-in-chief of Exeuctive Excellence Publishing and publisher of Executive Excellence and Personal Excellence magazines. He is author of Beyond Counterfeit Leadership and, in the past 15 years, has written over 500 articles for publication in major magazines, drafted award-winning copy for advertisements and marketing brochures, and co-written best-selling books. He is well-known and respected among Fortune 500 and other major organizations, with whom he consults.
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