Teaching Smart People How to Learn Harvard Business Review Classics
Chris Argyris
Format: Paperback, 64pp. / Pocket Size
ISBN: 9781422126004
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press
Pub. Date: May 19, 2008
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From The Publisher:
Why are your smartest and most successful employees often the worst learners? Likely, they haven't had the opportunities for introspection that failure affords. So when they do fail, instead of critically examining their own behavior, they cast blame outward -- on anyone or anything they can.
In Teaching Smart People How to Learn, Chris Argyris sheds light on the forces that prevent highly skilled employees for learning from mistakes and offers suggestions for helping talented employees develop more productive responses.

About the Author
Chris Argyris is a director of Monitor and Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School. He is known for his seminal work in the area of organizational learning and is the author of numerous articles and books on the subject, including Knowledge for Action and Overcoming Organizational Defenses.

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