Micromessaging: Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words
Stephen Young
Format: Paperback, 256pp.
ISBN: 9781259860966
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Pub. Date: December 5, 2016
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From The Publisher:
Eliminate negative verbal and nonverbal behaviors and replace them with positive signals that improve the entire organization
'No one argues the importance of the small scale better than Stephen Young…[who] calls these make-or-break communications micromessages.”- O magazine
In this groundbreaking book, Stephen Young, one of the foremost national experts in leadership, introduces his concept of “micromessages.” Those are critical behaviors-looks, gestures, tone, nuance, inflection, syntax-that tell people what we really think of them, in contrast to the words we speak, and show you how to cultivate positive messages that will enhance the whole company.

About the Author
Stephen Young, a leadership and organizational development expert, has been a featured speaker and presenter for more than a decade. Young was formerly the Chief Diversity Officer at JP Morgan Chase where he managed the firm's worldwide diversity strategy resulting in the company winning numerous awards including Fortune Magazine's Top 50 Companies for Minorities.

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