Sun Tzu's The Art of War Plus The Art of Career Building
Gary Gagliardi
Format: Paperback, 192pp.
ISBN: 9781929194247
Publisher: Clearbridge Publishing
Pub. Date: April 8, 2003
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From The Publisher:
This book deals specifically with the challenges of office politics, job rivals, organizational conflicts, interpreting office rumors, and more. The complete text of The Art of War is on the left-hand pages, and The Art of Career Building is on the facing right-hand pages.
About the Author
Gary Gagliardi is America's leading expert on using the principles of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" in modern competition. Former owner and CEO of one of the Inc. 500 fastest-growing companies in America, Mr. Gagliardi has authored over a dozen books explaining the intricacies of competitive strategy.
Table of Contents
| Foreword: Using This Book | 9 | | Introduction: Sun Tzu's Basic Concepts | 19 | 1 | Analysis | 25 | | Career Planning | 27 | 2 | Going to War | 37 | | Changing Jobs | 39 | 3 | Planning an Attack | 47 | | Picking the Right Job | 49 | 4 | Positioning | 57 | | Getting Promoted | 59 | 5 | Momentum | 67 | | Career Momentum | 69 | 6 | Weakness and Strength | 77 | | Organizational Politics | 79 | 7 | Armed Conflict | 91 | | Internal Conflict | 93 | 8 | Adaptability | 103 | | Flexibility in Your Career | 105 | 9 | Armed March | 111 | | Your Job Search | 113 | 10 | Field Position | 129 | | Evaluating Opportunities | 131 | 11 | Types of Terrain | 145 | | Career Stages | 147 | 12 | Attacking with Fire | 169 | | Winning a Job | 171 | 13 | Using Spies | 179 | | Using Contacts | 181 |
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