LeadershipNow 140: March 2009 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from March 2009:
- Engagement issues? First, forget the idea that emerging leaders must conform to the existing culture. Respect it? Absolutely.
- A lack of creativity in an org may not be the employees; it’s more likely it’s the org itself. Does your org suffocate ideas?
- Managing the mood is crucial: Tough trading conditions like these test character as much as business acumen. tinyurl.com/dgaxuy
- Life Lesson: The more you help other people with their hurts, the easier it is to handle your own. ~ Scott McKain
- Jac Fitz-enz: Not only is a “best practice” subjective – it’s transitory.
- Humility: Understanding the danger of being educated beyond your intelligence.
- Steve McKee said, "You can cut your way to survival but not success."
- Growing people requires that we reinforce improvements along the way - before they've "made" it. Don't wait.
- At work or at home, the more support you build into the system, the faster you can grow people.
- Lack of accountability paves the way to mediocrity.
- Atlas Shrugged is selling at a faster rate today than at any time during its 51-year history. ow.ly/Vgd and ow.ly/Vgg
- FT: “Timidity, confusion and populism have been the enemies of effective action.”
- This makes a good case for not criticizing others. tinyurl.com/covj5n
- Diplomatic Gifts: It's only natural that Obama's eye drifts to the discount bin at the video store. ow.ly/Tqy
- “The key to being a good manager is keeping the people who hate me away from those who still undecided.” -Casey Stengel
- T Jeary: "If you are the first person to see that something needs to be done, you are probably the best person to do it."
- Focus found in ability to boclk out all things we don't like about ystrdy & things we worry about tomorrow & do next correct thing we need to do today
- FT: “The great mistake was to rely merely on self-interest in - as imperfect and as important a market as - the financial sector.”
- “Business television makes the crisis feel like it has the tempo of a videogame. But this isn’t Wii Economy. It is plate tectonics.” WSJ
- Building self-confidence is the starting point for unlocking the potential of yourself and others.
- 2008 Bestsellers Fiction: The Appeal by Grisham / The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by Wrobleski / The Host by Meyer / Cross Country by Patterson
- 2008 Bestsellers Non-Fic: Last Lecture by Pausch / Purpose of Christmas by Warren / You: Being Beautiful by Roizen & Oz / Outliers by Gladwell
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 03:39 PM
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