Letters from Leaders: Advice for Tomorrow's Leaders
OVER A PERIOD of seven years Henry Dormann has compiled 77 letters from political, religious and business leaders targeted at motivating young leaders and teaching them what is needed to be great. The advice and stories found in
Letters from Leaders gives you a lot to think about. Here are a few thought starters:

A philosopher once said, “He who has a
why to live can bear almost any
how.” I would add, “He who has a why to
lead can bear almost any trial.”
~Leslie Bains, CEO Modern Asset Management

I strongly believe that the responsibility of leadership is to shape the debate—to practice and project the right attributes—whether in a business enterprise, in our society, and even in our religions.
~Farooq Kathwari, CEO Ethan Allen

True leadership must have follower-ship. Management styles can vary, but even an autocrat needs people who believe and simply don’t follow from fear.
~James Robinson III RRE Ventures

Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you say you’re going to do. Your credibility can only be built over time, and it is built from the history of your words and actions. ~Maria Razumich-Zec

You should recognize that criticism is not always a put down. If you take it to heart, maybe it will guide the way you ought to be going.
~Joseph Flom

If you can’t live through adversity, you’ll never be good at what you do. You have to live through the unfair things, and you have to develop the hide to not let it bother you and keep your eyes focused on what you have to do.
~Maurice “Hank” Greenberg

He who does not believe in miracles is not a realist.
~Anton Rupert, Rembrandt Group

You create opportunities by performing, not complaining.
~Muriel Siebert
King Abdullah II of Jordan offers this encouragement to those in any walk of life that are making the commitment to lead:
* * * Provide Leadership through Courage
A school teacher, a farmer, a soldier, an athlete, a mother, and an entrepreneur can provide leadership when they decide to confront the challenges of life with honesty, courage, determination, and a sense of optimism.
I have always found that one’s confidence and positive attitude in dealing with issues, challenges, and difficulties usually secure over half a victory in the battle to succeed. This is true, regardless of the scope or complexity of the issues.
So my advice to the young generation is for them to always provide leadership through courage, and to always focus on doing the correct thing in life. These are basic facts that we all, I suppose, learnt at kindergarten. But they remain valid for all of us as we struggle through life to make a difference for the poor, hungry, and oppressed and to provide meaning to life, one that is full of hope, promise, and success.
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 02:12 AM
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