LeadershipNow 140: August 2009 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from August 2009:
- Leadership Lessons from Ted Kennedy http://bit.ly/IS4Zt
- Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Nonverbal Cues http://ow.ly/miyi
- @HarvardBiz: Ted Kennedy, Low-Potential Leader http://bit.ly/14ehlo
- Leadership involves plumbing as well as poetry. ~Jim March
- Our nature has no built-in braking system. More is never enough. ~Peter Whybrow
- Good mgnt is art of making problems so interesting and solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal w/ them. ~P Hawken
- “You know why I do marathons? Because this is how I practice not quitting.” ~ @OrlandoMagicPat
- The problems of an aging customer base http://ow.ly/kwmu
- USAF leadership lesson SLICED=Selflessness, Loyalty, Integrity, Commitment, Energy, Decisiveness http://bit.ly/NhNcJ
- The more unpredictable the world becomes, the more we rely on predictions. ~Steve Rivkin
- You need to learn to level with people without leveling them. ~The Effective Editor
- Maybe the best managers are simply ordinary, healthy people who aren't too screwed up. ~Mintzberg http://ow.ly/kjq3 Book: http://ow.ly/kjtd
- The Lesson of the 38 Candy Bars - We would’ve followed that general anywhere. http://ow.ly/kdM1
- RT @hulmevision: Subject of 100,000+ books, Bonaparte’s story still fascinates 2 centuries later. How did he do it? http://bit.ly/ayZWg
- Authority should be seen as a part of leadership, not as a way around leadership.
- Another good column by @HarveyMackay: "Uncommon leadership has common traits" http://bit.ly/if2uA
- Can business leaders learn a lesson from the president of the United States? http://ow.ly/jVwQ
- RT @JohnBaldoni: Forgiveness is an act of leadership. Read my column at http://tinyurl.com/qmcoav
- Old friend Lance Cosgrove offers FREE mp3s dwnlds. Not a country music fan but check out In Your Little Girl’s Eyes (from the Raining In Bakersfield album) Grt Lyrics http://ow.ly/jS08
- Change the world: Begin as a band of madmen welcoming other crazy ppl who want to be part of something bigger than themselves
- @dbsIII Your emphasis on alignment in your new book - A Leader Within - is good. http://bit.ly/Epv0u
- Gary Hamel: "Don't confuse the edge of your rut with the horizon."
- 31 Refutably Irrefutable Laws of Lame Leadership: http://scribd.com/doc/273295 This will resonate!
- WSJ: Just how accurate are those numbers? More guesswork than we'd like to think. http://ow.ly/ja3B
- Stefan Stern: The rules of engagement: All is not fair in love, war and business http://bit.ly/vOkp7
- Change the way you work: Forget call centres – systems thinkers see the world differently: http://bit.ly/i2ZoD
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 12:01 AM
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