LeadershipNow 140: September 2009 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from September 2009:
- We tend to learn an enormous amount in the short term, quite a bit in the medium term and absolutely nothing in the long term.
- RT @profkjmoore: An interview I did with Henry Mintzberg just came out on the Globe website: http://tinyurl.com/nnht5e // Insightful book
- FT: Success can be a bad teacher. It's intoxicating; erodes self-awareness and fosters self-indulgence. http://ow.ly/rETr
- RT @wallybock: My latest post at Momentor: "God is in the details" http://ow.ly/rBY8 Good advice
- @hulmevision: @Bob_Wheeler Bob sent me this funny, charming, award- winning video http://bit.ly/GTw32 Good message about validation
- Your leadership team has lost its mind when people at the table actually believe the org would be in worse shape if they were not there @perrynoble
- RT @hulmevision: There are really only two ways of living: Give and Get. Get might work temporarily, Give works eternally.
- It's difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends on his not understanding it. ~Sinclair Lewis
- Your most valuable currency is relationship, emotional capital, the ability to connect with others. ~Susan Scott in Fierce Leadership
- RT @scottmckain: http://tinyurl.com/m4sadz One of BEST posts EVER how to establish your own character & style from TELLER of Penn & Teller
- RT @sreardon: If you can watch this 7min motivational video and it doesn't get you choked up - check yer pulse http://twitzap.com/u/L44
- We influence others. Who we are often depends on who we are with and who they are depends on who we are.
- RT @AthletesArtist: "Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind." Evan Esar
- GRT Interview! RT @hulmevision: “successful forgiveness, . . . a real commitment to change is shown in word and deed.” http://bit.ly/3wte7N
- Managing with the Brain in Mind http://ow.ly/pja4
- RT JD's Corner http://cli.gs/yUrsJ The Character that Should Define Us
- Let's not confuse what it means to be famous or great. Great is for others. Famous is for you. Erwin McManus
- RT @MichaelHyatt: What’s holding you back from success? Could it be that all you lack is courage. Re-post: http://is.gd/Ark5
- RT @paul_farrier "Looking back, my life seems like one long obstacle race, with me as the chief obstacle." Jack Paar
- Find a repeatable formula RT @HarvardBiz: How Marvel Went from Bankruptcy to $4-B Buyout http://bit.ly/13Arpc
- How to Escape Perfectionism http://ow.ly/nKuz
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 11:08 AM
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