LeadershipNow 140: January 2010 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from January 2010:
- Davos: Business Leadership for the 21st Century http://bit.ly/9JYV8g Good panel: Stephen Green, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Indra Nooyi, Eric Schmidt, Wang Jianzhou
- RT @tom_peters: Mega-success-tip: Master beginnings! Master endings! Never leave either to chance! (Applies equally to accountant and Broadway actress.)
- Mike Myatt: The myth of "When To Lead" http://tinyurl.com/ybhknqf >An important point!
- Not to be missed insights from @JohnBaldoni Check out his blogs: http://bit.ly/1J7hJT and http://bit.ly/a9dvcO
- Do you think people apply the same values in their private lives as they do in their professional lives? 22%=Yes / 62%=No @ Davos
- Personal Responsibility: It comes down to individual moral actors making micro-level decisions. Thomas Glocer @ Davos
- While many things are wrong systemically, I think we have a serious moral compass issue at the individual level. Thomas Glocer @ Davos
- Are we wise enough to learn frm these lessons & take them into our daily life as a check-list of our daily deeds? Yasuchika Hasegawa @ Davos
- Scott Elbin: Three Mantras to Keep Your Ego in Check http://bit.ly/aqiEdr
- Mike Henry Sr: Sources of Leadership http://bit.ly/aSBc7C
- RT @LeadToday: The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not training them and keeping them. - Zig Ziglar
- Michael Roberto: What Happened to Toyota? http://ow.ly/11qV7
- Good Post: RT @mikemyatt: A closer look at leadership DNA...Do you have it? http://bit.ly/r0FrO
- RT @hulmevision: Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself | A. J. Heschel
- @davidrock101: 2nd NeuroLeadership Journal is out. Free intro paper outlining NeuroLeadership develpments in 09: http://bit.ly/cDharn (PDF)
- We usually aren't suffering because we can't solve our problems; we are suffering because we can't see our problems.
- I was grateful to be able to answer promptly. I said. “I don't know.” ~Mark Twain
- RT @toddsattersten: "If you work really hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen" Conan closing final show as host of Tonight Show.
- @BillGates My new website is live check out thegatesnotes. Excited to share more about what I’m learning, hope you like it!
- Read: To Be or Not to Be? http://wp.me/pt5Ht-4a Being Intentional by @eschreyer
- RT @eschreyer: Leaders - demanding proof too soon could stifle innovation. Nice read from Business Week: http://bit.ly/59Jj1O
- Scott Elbin: How Coakley and Brown Pulled Defeat from the Jaws of Victory and Vice Versa: What Leaders Can Learn http://bit.ly/5wedHn
- FT: Master the mix of continuity and change http://bit.ly/8TACK4
- Scott Elbin: Six Qualities That Made Martin Luther King, Jr. a Great Speaker http://bit.ly/5jUv94
- Jerry de Gier: Are We Enjoying the Journey? http://bit.ly/4xc0NK
- Manias, panics and bubbles all have same characteristic: the absence of real leadership that takes a contrarians perspective. http://ow.ly/VR7c
- Wally Bock: Leadership Development: Crafting Your Personal Development Plan http://bit.ly/4rMYgg
- FT: A little knowledge is deadly dangerous: Organisations may already possess the information they need to avoid disaster. http://bit.ly/51njzl
- TEDxMcGill - Karl Moore on Postmodern Leadership http://bit.ly/6ZcxL3
- How To Keep Your Plates Spinning in 2010 http://bit.ly/6aYQZf
- @tom_peters: 2010 quote of the yr award, but also goes into dictionary as Definition #1 of "They just don't get it." http://bit.ly/5OhzkU
- @hulmevision: The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes | Marcel Proust
- Wally Bock: Becoming a Great Leader is Up to You http://bit.ly/4ywash
- Pliny the Younger on relationships: "We are paid in our own coin."
- 59 Seconds: The myth of the "Yale Goal Setting" Study http://bit.ly/7cnobt
- Terry Starbucker: A Leadership Checklist: 10 Things To Do Right Now To Make It A Great Year http://46xps.th8.us
- @Mark_Sanborn: Lessons at Decade's End http://bit.ly/7JXxWZ
- @rosasay: I once heard it said “hope has nothing to do with what is going on in the world.” So what, then, is it about? http://ow.ly/RZNt
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 11:59 AM
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