LeadershipNow 140: May 2010 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from May 2010:
- The Four-Letter Word that Makes You and Your Work Irresistible by @Mark_Sanborn http://bit.ly/dycMzC
- RT @coachgoldsmith: When People Don't Want to Change -- Don't Waste Your Time! http://goo.gl/fb/igvtY
- RT @sreardon: The Enduring Pursuit Of Excellence Requires An Enduring Approach http://bit.ly/bHigOK
- 10 things Julius Caesar could have taught us about business, marketing, leadership (& even Social Media) http://bit.ly/9oxsM3
- RT @bacharachblog: Can kids learn leadership? If they did, less adults would have to attend leadership seminars! http://bit.ly/9LO7oC
- Leaders can sometimes communicate more without words than with them. by @JohnBaldoni http://bit.ly/cjUe8c
- How Will You Be Remembered? by @mjasmus http://bit.ly/9WoRtk >People remember how you made them feel.
- Poor Time Management Skills Passes Gossip as Biggest Workplace Pet Peeve | Business Wire http://ht.ly/1LQL5
- Mike Henry Sr: Good Leadership vs. Effective Leadership http://bit.ly/c9ni7J
- RT @hulmevision: Technologies change but human nature does not.
- RT @coachgoldsmith: Leadership Isn't About You http://bit.ly/bLzphT Great!
- RT @DrJackKing: Now, that's a VERY nice shot! A young golfer shows the world the serving nature of leadership! ~ http://bit.ly/a1QPBC
- Bosses, Empathy, and Teaching: Thoughts from an Anonymous CEO by @work_matters (Bob Sutton) http://bit.ly/bpTzTr
- Humble leaders recognize and value the contributions of others in lieu of self-promotion by @mikemyatt http://bit.ly/9cwwNo
- I believe that technology will enable new business models, but not "new leadership” says @jimchampy http://bit.ly/99SMOM AGREED!
- RT @post_lead: An inspiring Monday story, read @HeroesToday profile of Dana Reeves http://bit.ly/cnmGsZ
- Orientation to action in our organizations often clashes with a leader’s ability to really listen >by @mjasmus http://bit.ly/c0az2V
- Humble Leadership by @MGRecruiter http://ht.ly/1G2kx A lesson from Saladin
- Mike Henry Sr: Applied Character-based Leadership http://bit.ly/cjbxAo
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 12:29 PM
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