LeadershipNow 140: December 2010 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from December 2010:
- 84% of employees plan to look for a new position in 2011 CNN Money
- Moving Past Austerity—Let's Make 2011 the Year of Honesty, Humanity and Generosity by @pollylabarre
- 2000 Vs. 2010: How the world has changed
- @jowyang I travel to Asia frequently. I feel America's power slipping "each" time I go, this article in Foreign Policy says why
- RT @artpetty A "Best of Leadership Caffeine - An Effective Leader's Resolutions are Calendar Blind"
- @SirKenRobinson: Does creativity suffer in a system of ‘rigour and rote’? You can't be creative in the abstract.
- @tomasacker: 2011: Breakout, Breakthrough, or Breakdown. Your choice.
- @Mark_Sanborn: What one solider learned from the military about business. "A Soldier's Journey" by John Durfee
- The Best Leadership Books of 2010
- @Mark_Sanborn: Amazing graphic depiction of Wealth, Health and History
- Fortune: Dumbest moments in business 2010
- @kim: The year in 60 seconds [@reuters]
- @mikemyatt: Success vs. Significance - why it's important to distinguish between the two
- @hulmevision: Does Capitalism Have a Future?
- @davidrock101: How sleep impacts creativity
- @mikemyatt: Discipline - the real difference between good & great
- @JohnBaldoni: Well worth reading @AnitaBruzzese: Rewire your brain to stay positive, even in tough times.
- @wallybock: Reprise: The Things the Books Forgot
- Good Leaders Act Confident by @MGRecruiter
- @JohnBaldoni: 5 Ways to Influence People Who Don't Report to You New column. @FastCompany
- @donhornsby: Helmut Schmidt on EU Leadership “I would say that, in general, Europe lacks leaders."
- @tomasacker: In info rich, oversupplied economy, customer feelings drive purchase decisions, growth and profitability
- @tom_peters: The ONLY marketing "trend" that really matters: As of 1/1/11 7.5 baby-boomers turn 65 every min for next 20 yrs. What's affected? EVERYTHING
- Interview with @stevefarber (Video: 26min)
- Bob Sutton: Radical innovations often come from people who don't know it can't be done.
- A dose of reality from @wallybock: As trendy as we wanna be
- @Josephson0: Twelve Common Rationalizations and Excuses to Avoid
- Leadership is a sacred trust because influence cannot be destroyed. It lives on in the lives of others. Influence has consequences.
- @Alan_Fine: The happiest people dont necessarily have the best of everything but they make the most of everything
- Problems are solvable if you are willing to see yourself in a new light. ~David Viscott
- When you grow, you see yourself differently. You tell a different story.
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 10:03 AM
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