LeadershipNow 140: January 2011 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from January 2011:
- "Civility is part of the foundation for bringing out people’s brilliance." The Degeneration of Decorum
- 90% of the Best Companies expect employees to lead, regardless if they have a formal position of authority. Hay Group Report
- @TalentAnalytics: “You cannot delegate culture.” - Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO Great read from @BoozCompany
- @Mark_Sanborn asks, "Are you leading by design or by default?" in Leadership Lessons Newsletter.
- Podcast: Jim Blasingame on why men and women are different when it comes to goal setting.
- The secret to giving tough feedback is eliminating authority. Pixar gets it, do you?
- @ScottEblin Tony Schwartz makes case for beginning day by eating your broccoli. Start with 90 min on the most important thing.
- @MarkDMcKinney Visual analysis of "I Have a Dream" speech
- "Not all fires are created equal and you don't have to put them all out yourself." @HBR
- @visionorg: Kennedy, youngest ever elected leader of free world: “Ask not what your country can do for you . . .”
- @profkjmoore: This week's Globe and Mail interview with Wharton's Mike Useem, Lessons from Indian management
- The JFK Library, @Kennedy1961, will post the happenings of JFK's 1000 days in office as they unfolded, often in the president's own words.
- 2011 List: 100 Best Companies to Work For and the Secret of the Great Workplace
- @ronkarr: 38 questions to assess your company’s cultural readiness for social media
- @artpetty: "9 Key Professional Capabilities Required by Our Times"
- @tom_peters: New Cool Friend interview (#156) about change agents with Bill Taylor @practicallyrad
- What Motherhood Taught Me About Leadership by @mombizcoach
- @jmarkr: Taylor CEO Tony Signore discusses the commitment required for organizational change.
- @JohnBaldoni: What Walt Disney can teach Apple about how to succeed without its founder. New column. @FastCompany
- Mike Henry Sr: Convincing the Resistant
- @MarionChapsal: "Alone Together:" An MIT Professor's New Book Urges Us to Unplug
- @stefanstern: What we still get wrong about sales and customer service
- @hulmevision: Radical Restoration
- Metaphors matter! by @tomasacker
- @stefanstern: Obama passes the leadership test
- @JosseyBassBiz: FYI here's a great blog from @monsterww on The King's Speech
- "I always think of design as a way to solve business problems." Cordell Ratzlaff, Cisco
- @jamesstrock : What is Your One Sentence for 2011? Your One Word? Good questions!
- @scottmckain: Breaking law, but telling others to behave? Bankrupt, but telling others to pay bills? YOU go first!
- How to Be a Great Mentor Without All the Fuss by @mjasmus
- @mikemyatt: When you're tempted to say "no" - read this first
- Do you suffer from an personal branding disorder?
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 07:29 AM
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