LeadershipNow 140: November 2011 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from November 2011 that you might have missed:
- @LollyDaskal: Reflections! Look In the Mirror
- @LisaHaneberg: When they won't comply - rejoice! >How often do we squelch ownership ...?
- @Archifilter: "those who excel beyond the pack are pushing themselves continually so that they are never on autopilot"
- Sharon Daniels: There's no hiding from being judged because a manager's shortcomings are on full view for everyone.
- Self-pity is a losing strategy. It repels others and weakens you.
- The virtue of weak leadership « @curtrice
- There is a big difference between seeing what is wrong and what could be better. It’s a difference in approach.
- Leadership & Discipline by @mikemyatt
- From @wallybock: A Future without Managers
- @LeadersCoach: Avoid dangers of being trapped by narcissistic bubble: Five steps to keep grandiosity in check!
- Peter Blake, New Zealand yachtsman, filtered every decision through, "Will it make the boat go faster?"
- @Bill_George: Fantastic video on Leadership Development Groups or True North Groups in the HBS Leadership Dev course
- There is no such thing as best practices. by @mikemyatt on @Forbes
- @simpletonbill: Views on Personal Change from Someone in Springtime of Life via @MarkDMcKinney
- From @JamesStrock: When service is the basis of leadership, everyone can be a leader.
- @SirKenRobinson: The revolution in education is possible, urgent and happening.
- Are You Following These 3 Rules For Giving Effective Feedback? by @TanveerNaseer
- From @GOOD: Why is it so hard to put imagination back into schools?
- From @TheAtlantic: How much do business chops really matter for the presidency?
- @ronkarr: 12 Characteristics of a Bad Boss.
- Why You Can’t Motivate Workers by Larry Kahaner
- Actions Speak Louder by @mjasmus
- @ryancvet: To conjure up an incredible idea, you must first be willing to come up with a thousand subpar ideas.
- Mike Henry Sr: Leadership Is a Choice
- Picks For The Best Ads Of The Year, So Far - Forbes
- FT Columnist Tyler Brûlé asks, “Could it be time for the charm school to make a return? Rather than spending...
- Good read! 10 Principles of 21st Century Leadership @JamesStrock
- @Bill_George: Leadership means being visible among the troops; hiding in a corner office won’t cut it
- When a leader makes it about them, it says “You don’t matter.” They create a culture lacking in accountability.
- What Do Workplace Pit Bulls Do to Accountability? by @KateNasser
- @Bill_George: Research finds that helping employees start their day in good moods improves quality and productivity
- Mike Henry Sr: Leadership Is Not An Entitlement Program
- Leo Tolstoy: Nobody knows where the human race is going. The highest wisdom, then, is to know where you are going.
- @Jim_Kouzes: In her eulogy to her brother, Steve Jobs, Mona Simpson said "He had surprises tucked in all his pockets."
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 04:14 AM
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