LeadershipNow 140: December 2011 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from December 2011 that you might have missed:
- The Most Popular Offices of 2011 - Office Snapshots
- @wallybock >> Imagination Igniters: Books for Leaders
- @KevinEikenberry Valueable Distinction >> Achievement vs. Success
- @steveroesler: 6 Important Marketing Trends to Watch in 2012 : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
- Gallup Poll: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List
- Read >> Leaders Are Master Learners by @drbret
- @alanmwebber: Six Two-Word Terms For the Future: "Keep learning new skills and crossing old boundaries."
- @mjasmus: Most read in 2011: 30 Overlooked Acts of Leadership Courage
- Leaders show up for people before asked. Compassion builds support, loyalty. Among 5 powers leaders need.
- Why Strong Women Don’t Get Respect: It starts with what we say about ourselves by @gflblog
- @BrianBacon: If your intention is clean, a small adjustment in your tone of voice and the words you use can make a big difference in a relationship.
- @davidrock101: People don't know when lying to themselves
- @drbret: Richard Winters on: How I lost my credibility in 5 minutes
- The trick is to showcase your strengths without letting your weaknesses steal the show.
- Simply put, trust means confidence. The opposite of trust—distrust—is suspicion. ~Stephen M.R. Covey
- @tomasacker: Times change. Used to be, "I feel like a kid in a candy store." Now, "I feel like a kid in an Apple Store."
- Why Sugar Makes Us Sleepy (And Protein Wakes Us Up)
- @TomAsacker: Predictions for 2012 "The more things change, the more they stay the same"
- The worst leadership moments of 2011 - The Washington Post
- I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work. ~Pearl Buck
- Oliver Wendell Holmes: Don’t flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates.
- @Bill_George: Essay on the "Iron Lady" | visionary “hard line” leader needed at that time
- In an oppressive, controlling culture, your vision is DOA. The vision becomes all about you. Work on the culture first.
- Mercer: US employees hold more favorable views of both top management and direct supervisors today, compared to 5 yrs ago
- @KevinEikenberry: My list of top leadership tweeters
- The 50 Best Blogs for Future Leaders - Online Colleges
- A life of resentment is a life wasted. But how fast can a human being recover from grief, betrayal, anger?
- How to Lead: Discovering the Source of Power From W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University
- “For those who think business exists to make a profit, I suggest they think again...
- Mike Henry Sr: Character vs. Charisma in Leadership
- @RobertHThompson: Why Great Entrepreneurs (Leaders) Take Big Risks And Sometimes Get Fired | AlwaysOn
- @ScottEblin: FT offers some sage perspective on why most training doesn't work.
- Gary Hamel: "Give someone monarch-like authority, and sooner or later there will be a royal screw-up." From What Matters Now
- What are your core in-competencies? In a world of dramatic change they can begin to take over.
- @_robin_sharma: Here's an article called, "The 8 Faces of Exceptionally Creative Leaders"
- From @KevinEikenberry: Five New Habits to Help You Reach Your Goals Faster
- @mjasmus: Develop yourself as a leader: How to Move Through the Leadership Gap
- @ronkarr: Your influence and power comes from other people! Free download from Ron Karr.
- @tomasacker: The paradox of success. "In a turbulent environment, control is your enemy."
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 06:53 PM
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