LeadershipNow 140: April 2012 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from April 2012 that you might have missed:
- The Yin and Yang of Business by @TomAsacker
- @Leadershipfreak: If you know more than everyone on your team, you have a weak team. "8 Ways to Find Freedom"
- lead:ology - Leaders vs Managers: A False Dichotomy
- Choice Point: Do Not Let Your Culture Kill You by Robert Quinn @LeadWithLift
- @KevinEikenberry How Leaders Can Use Pinterest
- A Silent Leadership Killer by @mjasmus
- Read: Inspire People to Change by @greatleadership
- @Jim_Kouzes: People are most likely to be creative when intrinsically motivated say Teresa Amabile and Steve Kramer
- It’s time to diversify diversity. By @INSEAD @HalGregersen.
- The Steve Jobs Way Leaders can learn a lot from the late Apple CEO, but not all of it should be emulated. @stratandbiz
- Stedman Graham asks, “Would your behavior in working with others change if you knew in advance that your...
- @tom_peters: "Human Touch Saved JAL." Superb interview with interim CEO Kazuo Inamori. Key words: "Kind, gentle, caring."
- Read The Source Of Integrity? by @LollyDaskal
- @TheStyleGent: The true indicator of elegance is the way we act each and every day.
- To John W. Gardner, "Judgment" was the #1 attribute of a leader. By @DennyCoates
- The Surest Way to a Positive Attitude by @KevinEikenberry
- @johnmaeda: White paper on the future of learning by Lego folks.
- Give away which you most wish to receive by @LollyDaskal
- Who knew? A person's life span can be predicted by the size of their smile.
- The Myth of Potential by @mikemyatt Potential is unrealized attainment – nothing more and nothing less.
- Robert Fry, Chairman at McKinney Rogers in London wrote in a letter to the Financial Times, that “to be average...
- @wilsonquarterly: Thought-provoking read from Gertrude Himmelfarb on the decline of civil society
- Change versus Transformation. Change requires that you become more familiar with the current situation to make...
- The Experience of Being Coached by @mjasmus >How you can profit from it.
- FT: Make the most of dead time
- @Bill_George: Using True North Groups with patients Enhance healing in mind, body & spirit & reduce costs
- Good read from @tomasacker > A brand is energy made visible.
- TEDx Eugene Lee - Breathing Together - Leadership Lessons from Musical Ensembles
- Good read from @KateNasser >Leaders, Are We Accomplices to Passive Aggressive Team Members?
- Self Made? No. Self Created? Yes by @JamesStrock
- Is Goldman Sachs filled with rogue tribes? by @davelogan1
- @jamesstrock: To Best Serve Others, Keep Promises to Yourself
- How to Criticize — and Be Loved for it. By @workawesome
- @RosabethKanter: Doing nothing is easy. Acting requires courage - and it is courage that makes change possible
- Why Were You Not? by @LollyDaskal
- Why School Principals Need More Authority by Chester E. Finn Jr.from @TheAtlantic
- @Envisia: Download your free chapter of "Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don't Get It"
- A Lesson on Doing Good Work by @wallybock
- Excuses . . . They Are Worse than You Think by @KevinEikenberry
- @TLCTalk: Leadership is not about I or me. It's about we and us.
- @wallybock: Boss's TOTD: Your pace is not their pace
- The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs - HBR
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 04:27 PM
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