Eight Critical Questions for Leading with Intention
Your leadership effectiveness is a direct result of the level of intention with which you operate.
Leading With Intention, author Mindy Hall says leading with intention means “consciously deciding to lead by design rather than by default; being mindful of who it is you want to be and then living into that picture twenty-four hours a day. It is about seeing opportunities every day, in every interaction, to shape the tone, the experience, and the outcome of those interactions.”
Everything you do sends a message. It begins with self-awareness. “The rest is practice, consistency, and continuous effort.” Here are eight critical questions from
Leading With Intention that the intentional leader needs to ask:
- What kind of environment do you create in your interactions with others? Does it inspire people to be their best? You are 100% responsible for the tone you set.
- Are you clear about your intentions? The simple act of being clear in your own mind about your intentions helps you come across as more grounded, prepared, and transparent.
- Do you have preconceived notions or mind-sets of a person or situation? Mindsets are not static; they are dynamic and with new information and/or experience we can shift our mind-sets. The key is being conscious of your mind-sets and being open to challenging them.
- Do you challenge those mindsets? Today’s business environment requires the ability to see beyond one’s own perspective.
- How open are you to your own learning? How open are you to your own learning, to changing what isn’t working, to seeking out new experiences, and to not being defensive of diverse opinions even when they are radically different than your own?
- Do you do what you say you are going to do? People pay more attention to what you do than what you say, and your behavior speaks volumes.
- How would others describe you as a leader? Leaders must actively manage their presence in every interaction, both formal and informal.
- Why do you do the work you do?
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 01:14 PM
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