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![]() Think This, Not That![]() OUR mindset can either work for us or against us. A mind full of false narratives—false beliefs—will keep us from growing into our potential. Unchallenged, these negative beliefs will become the soundtrack we live by and keep us from moving in the direction of our best selves and change the outcome of our lives. Josh Axe identifies in Think This, Not That twelve mental barriers that obstruct personal growth and hinder success. Each comes with a critical mindshift—think this, not that—to realign our thinking and liberate us from our limiting beliefs. Mindshift 1: Create a Breakthrough by Unlimiting Your Beliefs We all have limiting beliefs like “I am not enough or not good enough” or “nothing good ever happens to me.” A belief changes the outcome of our life for better or worse. We need to identify our beliefs and determine if they are serving us well. Going from limiting beliefs to unlimiting beliefs is not like flipping a switch. It is a process taking one belief at a time. There’s one caveat when it comes to discerning your beliefs. You are not the things you say you will do; you are what you actually do. Beliefs are more than your feelings or deepest convictions. They align with your behavior; they demand action. THINK THIS: I can because…
Mindshift 2: Redefine Success by Becoming, Not Accomplishing Success is about what you are becoming as a result of what you do. “When you accumulate accomplishments while ignoring your character, it’s like building a house on sand. Eventually, your house will crumble and wash away.” Axe defines success as maximizing “your unique skills for the greatest good.” And this gets to the heart of leadership: “Your greatest potential is not just about you; it’s about us. It’s about influencing others. It’s about becoming the greatest you so you have the greatest impact on helping someone else become the greatest them.” THINK THIS: What’s most important is who I become.
Mindshift 3: Become Self-Aware to Get Where You Need to Go Self-awareness is knowing how you are percieved and knowing what is happening inside of you—an awareness of how you tend to respond to what is happening to you. It’s knowing your strengths and weaknesses. And importantly, it is knowing who you are now so you can become who you want to be. Having self-awareness allows you to interrupt your unconscious, emotion-driven reactions and control how you respond to your environment—to live intentionally and not on autopilot. Axe says, “Being aware of yourself and others compels you to stop and look at the needs surrounding you, not turn the other way. It frees you from the grip of self-interest.” THINK THIS: I am self-aware and choose not to lie to myself.
Mindshift 4: Find a Why or Risk Wasting It All Your why has everything to do with your purpose. Why do you exist? “The best version of yourself always starts with the why.” A meaningful life is built upon an other-focus. “A big part of your life’s purpose is seeing the pain or potential in others and acting with compassion to meet their needs.” It’s not about you. “The idea that purpose is found in pleasure fixes can’t be further from the truth. Studies prove that trying to manufacture this feeling of happiness actually leads to lower well-being and depression.” THINK THIS: My life has value, meaning, and a specific purpose to make this world a better place.
Mindshift 5: Rewrite Your Role in the Story No matter what role in a story you are playing now, if it is not working for you, you can change it. In his book Hero on a Mission, Donald Miller identifies the four characters we play: The victim, the villain, the hero, and the guide. The victim is the character who feels they have no way out—helpless and powerless. The villain is the character who makes others small. The hero is the character who faces their challenges and transforms. The guide is the character who helps the hero.” The role you choose to play affects the life you have. When you accept responsibility for your circumstances and take radical action to change, you automatically step into the shoes of a hero. That is how you begin to write your best story possible. What is your story? If it is the victim, you will never grow. Choose a story that transforms you. THINK THIS: I can own my story and edit my role.
Mindshift 6: Assemble a Team to Fulfill Your Dreams We need a team. “Life is better with people who make you better. One of the most effective ways to stay on track and reach your goals is to surround yourself with people who are more disciplined than you.” Think in terms of who my community can become. THINK THIS: Life is better with people who help me grow. NOT THAT: Life is better on my own. Mindshift 7: Build an Unshakable Identity So No One Else Does It for You Your identity keeps you grounded. Be intentional about who you are and build on that foundation. I believe four movements have led up to and created the modern identity: irreligion, rationalism, romanticism, and relativism. These four movements led to the foundational principle that undergirds the modern identity—that our life purpose and mission should flow only from within ourselves and should satisfy whatever we think will make us happy, typically in a materialistic and hedonistic way. Choose your identity. “When you think about who you are, consider whether the identity you choose will keep you flailing in your fleeting emotions, chained to the past, or moving forward into your best possible self.” THINK THIS: Figuring out who you are is important because it determines your future.
Mindshift 8: Bust Vices by Building Virtues Virtues are what build our character and transform us from the inside out. Personal values are built upon virtues. The seven virtues are wisdom, justice, self-control, courage, faith, hope, and love. All of these virtues work together to apply each in our lives for the benefit of all. For instance, you can’t practice true justice without love. Having a virtuous character runs deeper than just being a good person; it is doing the greatest good, which is the most loving thing you can do for everyone around you and for a lasting impact. The greatest good is only possible to accomplish with the underpinnings of the virtues of faith, hope, and love. Axe asks, “Are you aware of the vices that keep your potential at bay?” THINK THIS: A divine identity will motivate me to live and create with excellence, no matter who is watching.
Mindshift 9: Turn Off Opinions and Turn On Principles Principles guide the application of your virtues. Principles are timeless. Opinions, on the other hand, come and go. “If you want to enjoy success in your relationships, career, and health, choose a path that is lined with principles.” Listening both to everybody and to nobody will lead you down the wrong path. The secret is to listen and follow wise leaders who have had the best results in their businesses, their finances, and their relationships. Today, we often speak of my truth and your truth or, rather, my opinion and your opinion. There is such a thing as absolute truth. “My truth will make you as comfortable as possible. The truth will force you to change. My truth is dependent on what will make me feel good right now. The truth leads to a better outcome in the long run. Don’t seek to discover your truth; act with wisdom and courage to uncover the truth, which leads to life.” THINK THIS: Principles lead to successful choices.
Mindshift 10: Flip the Fear to Turn on the Growth Framing events in your life as “all or nothing” are part of a fear-based mindset. You’re thinking in terms of perfection, not growth. Ask, “What can I do better next time?” You live in fear because you’ve tied an event (or series of events) to your identity. Because you are so invested in maintaining this idea of perfection and setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, you’ll do anything to protect your self-image, including keeping up the lie at whatever cost. You won’t be honest with yourself or others. You’ll never grow beyond superficial status because the goal isn’t to develop your character and skills but to achieve, accomplish, and arrive-at least in the eyes of others. THINK THIS: Failure can lead to flourishing.
Mindshift 11: Visualize to Realize Start with the end in mind. Visualization is a way to see the path ahead to reach your dreams. It helps you to prioritize what matters most and give up those distractions that don’t take you where you want to go. THINK THIS: I can dream big and make things happen when I set the right steps in motion.
Mindshift 12: Power Up Your Potential with Positive Perseverance We all go through valleys, and if all we do is dwell on the negative, we will create a negative life for ourselves. There is such a thing as toxic positivity. It’s when you deny or distort reality and rely on platitudes such as “Everything will be okay.” On the other hand, positive perseverance is the fusion of hope, grit, and gratitude. Hope is “choosing to think and act in a way that is contrary to the negativity of our present experience.” Grit is “being all in to create your future self. And gratitude is an appreciation for what we do have and what is right “and taps into the abundance of the little things.” Self-talk matters. How much of what you say is uplifting and positive? “Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. If you wouldn’t say the words you tell yourself to your best friend, shut that negative self-talk immediately.” THINK THIS: I have the power to choose positivity.
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 11:39 AM
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